- Woods Cross, Utah Census Data
The total population of Woods Cross is 9,901. 4,878 of those are Male (49.27 %) and 5,023 are Female (50.73 %).
In Woods Cross, Utah 26.1 is the median age.
Population by age in Woods Cross, Utah:
Under 5: 9.58 %
Ages 5 - 9: 9.70 %
Ages 10 - 14: 10.50 %
Ages 15 - 19: 10.64 %
Ages 20 - 24: 7.88 %
Ages 25 - 34: 14.57 %
Ages 35 - 44: 14.80 %
Ages 45 - 54: 11.39 %
Ages 55 - 59: 4.24 %
Ages 60 - 64: 2.67 %
Ages 65 - 74: 2.45 %
Ages 75 - 84: 1.18 %
Over 85: 0.39 %
Woods Cross Statistical DataTotal Area in Woods Cross, UT.: 15.68 Square Miles.
Land Area: 14.81 Square Miles.
Water Area: 0.87 Square Miles.
Woods Cross elevation: 4302 Ft.
Economic Data for Woods Cross, Utah:
Employment Data:5,360 are employed in Woods Cross, UT.
158 are unemployed in Woods Cross.
Household Income Data for Woods Cross, Utah:Income per household breakdown is as follows:
Earning under $10,000 yearly: 90
Earning $10,000.00 - $14,999 yearly: 82
Earning $15,000 - $24,999 yearly: 130
Earning $25,000 - $34,999 yearly: 296
Earning $35,000 - $49,999 yearly: 520
Earning $50,000 - $74,999 yearly: 926
Earning $75,000 - $99,999 yearly: 472
Earning $100,000 - $149,999 yearly: 197
Earning $150,000 - $199,999 yearly: 21
Earning $200,000 or more yearly: 52
$56,937.00 is the Median Annual Family Income in Woods Cross.
Analysis of School Enrollment in Woods Cross:3,226 people over the age of 3 are enrolled in school in Woods Cross, Utah.
Of the total enrolled:
199 children in Woods Cross are attending Nursery School.
206 children are enrolled in Kindergarten in Woods Cross.
1,508 children go to Primary School in Woods Cross
805 youths in Woods Cross are enrolled in Secondary School.
508 individuals attend college in Woods Cross, Utah.
1,251 received a High School diploma or GED.
1,702 have had some college.
489 have an AA Degree in Woods Cross.
970 have a Bachelors Degree in Woods Cross.
Drug and alcohol Rehab Programs in Woods Cross
Drug and alcohol addiction are problems which are apparent at an alarming degree in Woods Cross. Every day addiction takes its toll on residents in all areas of the community, and answers are required for this insidious problem because of the destruction it produces. It�'s easy for someone in Woods Cross who is addicted to drugs to give up hope and continue down a path of despair and destruction. The need for actual answers to this problem has never been greater, and this is why it is so important that addicted individuals choose to enter treatment at a drug rehab center in Woods Cross to help resolve these difficulties so that people struggling with addiction can take their lives back.
Drug treatment facilities in Woods Cross supply the most helpful treatment solutions to overcome addiction, and have the best track record of providing individuals the tools they need to obtain long-term sobriety. Drug rehab centers in Woods Cross supply an environment where the person can be surrounded by positive peer support and obtain care and guidance from professional drug treatment staff. Addicted individuals can be in a drug-free environment which is free of damaging influences and distractions which could be detrimental to their treatment. Professional drug and alcohol rehab counselors and medical staff at drug treatment centers in Woods Cross are on call around the clock to help individuals overcome any physical, emotional and psychological obstructions and keep them focused on treatment.
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Woods Cross have established records at handling even the toughest instances of addiction. Standard programs of drug rehabilitation include both individuals and group counseling as well as educational services and therapy which help resolve addiction issues. People find out about themselves, others and their natural environment so that they will be able to manage life much more properly upon completion of their program. The majority of the more effective programs at drug and alcohol treatment centers in Woods Cross can take anywhere from three months to a year, and to get hold of the best results it is encouraged that people stay in treatment as long as possible. The longer the stay the far better the chances that drugs and alcohol will continue to be a distant thing of the past and health and prosperity can be the new precedence. Individuals seeking treatment at any of the drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities in Woods Cross can converse with a professional drug rehabilitation counselor to see which treatment option is best for them.
- Benchmark Behavioral Health Systems (1.8 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Benchmark Behavioral Health Systems is located at 592 West 1350 South Bountiful, UT. 84010.
Benchmark Behavioral Health Systems can be contacted by calling 801-299-5300.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Bountiful Treatment Center (2.3 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Bountiful Treatment Center is located at 146 West 300 South Bountiful, UT. 84010.
Bountiful Treatment Center can be contacted by calling 801-292-2318.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient
Payment Options: Self Payment - Resolutions Inc (2.5 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Resolutions Inc is located at 70 North Main Street Bountiful, UT. 84010.
Resolutions Inc can be contacted by calling 801-298-5222 x1.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, DUI/DWI Offenders, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Lakeview Hospital (3.1 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Lakeview Hospital is located at 630 East Medical Drive Bountiful, UT. 84010.
Lakeview Hospital can be contacted by calling 801-299-3781.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Hospital Inpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - LifeLine Behavioral Health LLC (3.3 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
LifeLine Behavioral Health LLC is located at 1130 West Center Street North Salt Lake, UT. 84054.
LifeLine Behavioral Health LLC can be contacted by calling 801-936-4000.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center (3.4 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center is located at 386 North Main Street Centerville, UT. 84014.
OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center can be contacted by calling 801-298-2000.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Helping Hand Association (8.1 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Helping Hand Association is located at 974 East South Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT. 84102.
Helping Hand Association can be contacted by calling 801-533-0070 x104.
Treatment Services: Halfway House, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men
Payment Options: Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Asian Association of Utah (8.6 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Asian Association of Utah is located at 155 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT. 84101.
Asian Association of Utah can be contacted by calling 801-467-6060.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Matt Larson LCSW Psychotherapy and (8.7 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Matt Larson LCSW Psychotherapy and is located at 24 South 600 East Salt Lake City, UT. 84102.
Matt Larson LCSW Psychotherapy and can be contacted by calling 801-599-6396.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Odyssey House Inc (8.8 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Odyssey House Inc is located at 344 East 100 South Salt Lake City, UT. 84111.
Odyssey House Inc can be contacted by calling 801-428-3463.
Treatment Services: Halfway House, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - New Pathways Recovery and Wellness (9 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
New Pathways Recovery and Wellness is located at 435 West 400 South Salt Lake City, UT. 84101.
New Pathways Recovery and Wellness can be contacted by calling 801-901-0435.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Wasatch Homeless Healthcare (9 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Wasatch Homeless Healthcare is located at 409 West 400 South Salt Lake City, UT. 84101.
Wasatch Homeless Healthcare can be contacted by calling 801-364-0058.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Payment Assistance - Salt Lake Regional Medical Center (9 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Salt Lake Regional Medical Center is located at 1050 East South Temple Salt Lake City, UT. 84102.
Salt Lake Regional Medical Center can be contacted by calling 801-350-4253.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance - Therapy in Your Face (9.1 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Therapy in Your Face is located at 1579 West 600 South Salt Lake City, UT. 84104.
Therapy in Your Face can be contacted by calling 801-973-0655.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish
Payment Options: Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - CLD3 Counseling (9.1 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
CLD3 Counseling is located at 352 South Denver Street Salt Lake City, UT. 84110.
CLD3 Counseling can be contacted by calling 801-521-4227.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Capstone Counseling Center LLC (9.1 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Capstone Counseling Center LLC is located at 357 South 200 East Salt Lake City, UT. 84111.
Capstone Counseling Center LLC can be contacted by calling 801-341-0411.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish
Payment Options: Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - House of Hope (9.1 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
House of Hope is located at 857 East 200 South Salt Lake City, UT. 84102.
House of Hope can be contacted by calling 801-487-3276 x1205.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Gays and Lesbians, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Residential Beds for Clients Children, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - First Step House (9.3 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
First Step House is located at 440 South 500 East Salt Lake City, UT. 84102.
First Step House can be contacted by calling 801-359-8862 x2113.
Treatment Services: Halfway House, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Tranquility Place of Utah (9.7 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Tranquility Place of Utah is located at 160 East 800 South Salt Lake City, UT. 84111.
Tranquility Place of Utah can be contacted by calling 801-924-9240.
Treatment Services: Methadone Maintenance, Outpatient
Payment Options: Medicaid, Self Payment - Volunteers of America Utah (9.9 miles from Woods Cross, Utah)
Volunteers of America Utah is located at 252 West Brooklyn Avenue Salt Lake City, UT. 84101.
Volunteers of America Utah can be contacted by calling 801-363-9400.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Halfway House
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance